On the Cast
OnTheCastMedia presents a podcast for every lure fisherman. Dylan and Mitch talk all things lure and fly fishing and they welcome you to come along. Each week brings a fresh new spin into the world of casting artificial presentations at highly regarded salt and freshwater sport fish. A range of species, tackle and techniques are covered with something to get the arm of any angler twitching. Come and get the low down of what makes an anglers mind tick. Jump deep into the methods behind the approach of some very switched on anglers, scientists and people in the know of all things fur, feather, plastic, wooden and aquatic. Guests, banter and fishy goodness are ensured to grace your ears.
Podcasting since 2020 • 34 episodes
On the Cast
Latest Episodes
Ep: 31 We Are Back & Listener Questions
We are back, its been some time, about 10 months but from here on in we endeavor to do more and satiate your ear holes with more fishing info. We talk about what we have been doing for the last 10 months, bass fishing, rods and reels, what's co...
Season 1
Episode 31

Ep: 30 Comp Days - Australian Hobie Championships: 2022, Gold Coast, Queensland
With the recent Hobie Australian Championships bring run and won up, Dyl gives us an in depth report on how it all went down on his end. From the highest of highs, to a solid crash and burn, this episode is sure to keep even the most seasoned t...
Episode 30

Ep: 29 Comp & Trip Chats, Listener Q&A's & More
It's been a hot minute since the last episode of OTC! Dyl and Mitch are back in action and bring you an update on what's been happening over the last 6 months in regards to all things tournaments, personal fishing and some updates too.
Episode 29

Ep: 28 The WA Bream Files Ft. Callum "Muss Man' Dowell and the Mussell Vibe
New shiny things, innovation and a large dose of thinking outside of the norm are what will captivate and inspire just about any keen angler! On todays episode of On the Cast, Dyl and Mitch sit down with Western Australia's own Callum Dow...
Episode 28

Ep: 27 Merry Codmas: Murray Cod Season Opening Highlights 2021/2022
After a small hiatus Dyl and Mitch are back on the microphones . The guys sit down have have a casual unscripted chat about their recent Cod opening missions. With some challenging conditions presented for the annual December Cod opening, the b...
Episode 27